I guess you could say that I am more of an aggressive-aggressive person. I tend to be direct. This does not always get received well by those who tend to be more passive aggressive.
The problem I have with people that are passive-aggressive is that you never quite know where you stand with them. Are they mad? Are they sad? Do they care? So, when in their presence, it is a constant guessing game. I can't help but feel this is an intentional manipulation on their part. This, of course, brings out the aggressive side of me. If you are upset with me, I would prefer you to tell me so that it can be dealt with and we can all move on.
It also must be very tiring being passive-aggressive. Internalizing all the hurt and anger could cause a person to blow up. If you have ever dealt with someone that is chronically passive-aggressive, you know what I am talking about. Here are a few signs.
1) They simply pretend the problem doesn't exist.
2) They fail to act when it is crucial that they do.
3) When directly asked a question, they will simply not answer.
4) They will display their anger in small ways where it seems innocent, but the target of their anger clearly knows it is about them.
5) They chronically play the victim.
People should realize that failure to act when needed can be just as damaging then acting when no act is required. They do damage by simply doing nothing. Another word for this is "neglect".
As you could guess, this is a little bit of a personal rant. I am simply writing this in hopes that there is someone out there that understands the frustration of interacting with someone that is passive-aggressive to the extreme.
The problem I have with people that are passive-aggressive is that you never quite know where you stand with them. Are they mad? Are they sad? Do they care? So, when in their presence, it is a constant guessing game. I can't help but feel this is an intentional manipulation on their part. This, of course, brings out the aggressive side of me. If you are upset with me, I would prefer you to tell me so that it can be dealt with and we can all move on.
It also must be very tiring being passive-aggressive. Internalizing all the hurt and anger could cause a person to blow up. If you have ever dealt with someone that is chronically passive-aggressive, you know what I am talking about. Here are a few signs.
1) They simply pretend the problem doesn't exist.
2) They fail to act when it is crucial that they do.
3) When directly asked a question, they will simply not answer.
4) They will display their anger in small ways where it seems innocent, but the target of their anger clearly knows it is about them.
5) They chronically play the victim.
People should realize that failure to act when needed can be just as damaging then acting when no act is required. They do damage by simply doing nothing. Another word for this is "neglect".
As you could guess, this is a little bit of a personal rant. I am simply writing this in hopes that there is someone out there that understands the frustration of interacting with someone that is passive-aggressive to the extreme.